Can exceptional customer service lead to more sales?!
According to research done by Salesforce, 89% of consumers are more likely to make another purchase after a positive customer service experience.
Yes, friend, 89%!
>>This goes to show that customer service is one of the most important parts of business.<<
Great customer service:
- Makes people raving fans,
- Keeps them coming back, and
- Encourages them to tell their friends about your business.
In this episode, I give you my top 3 tips for providing exceptional quality service to keep your customers coming back for more.
Click play >>HERE<< to hear my tactical tips!
I know you’re here because you want to get your hands dirty. I know you want to do the best you can for your clients, and I know you want to serve them well so you can get more customers for your business.
Exceptional quality service is a key tenant of making SALES for your business, and if that’s your goal, I’d love to invite you to attend my upcoming FREE class, How to Create an Instagram Sales Machine! In it, you’ll learn how to get sales pouring in from Instagram with my 5-part framework. Register >>HERE<< and I’ll see you then!