When she said this phrase during our conversation, I scribbled it down as fast as I could. It was truth… with a capital T.
I know mindset is trendy and sounds like a “nice to have” in the way that extra guac is always a “nice to have” – but here’s what I’ve learned: it’s a necessity.
(So is extra guac… but I digress)
In fact, when I started focusing on my mindset several years ago, everything changed in my business and my life. If you’re intrigued by this idea of mindset and want to learn why it’s so powerful and how to get started, then I’d love to invite you to >>click play<< and listen to this conversation with Megan Hyatt Miller, CEO of Full Focus. You’ll learn:
- [02:30] Megan’s story of how she overcame her fear of public speaking by learning to retell the story she had been telling herself about it
- [07:44] The 3 steps you need to take to stop living a small life and start changing your mindset
- [10:20] Practical guidance on how to address and move past your limiting beliefs
- [16:24] How to have access to the kind of actions that will get you the results you want
- [19:45] How mindset and productivity work together
- [24:58] What to do when the story you’re telling yourself is holding you back but feels incredibly true
- [28:11] What to do when something unexpected happens and you get knocked off track
- [30:58] How to inspire others to work on their mindset
- [32:24] Swipe copy you can use to encourage others, including your kids and your team.
Megan’s new book – Mind Your Mindset – is available wherever books are sold. You can access the free bonuses she mentions at the end of our conversation by going to mindyourmindset.com/jasmine
Megan Hyatt Miller
Megan Hyatt Miller is the president and chief executive officer of Full Focus. Cohost of the popular business podcast Lead to Win, she is also Michael's oldest daughter and coauthor with him of Win at Work and Succeed at Life. As the architect of Michael Hyatt & Company's standout culture, she is committed to helping her team win at work and succeed at life, while also delivering phenomenal results to their customers. When she's not taking the company to new heights, she's fully present at home with her husband and five kids in Franklin, Tennessee.