One Thing Every New Business Owner Needs to Know | Business Boutique Keynote

Boo boo, do you want to hear the one thing every new business owner needs to know?

*Even if you aren’t a new business owner you’re going to want to tune in.*

I had the privilege of speaking last year at Christy Wright’s Business Boutique, an incredible conference in Nashville, TN with thousands of business women. I was the keynote speaker along with Dave Ramsey….

*Let me tell you, I’m still geeking out about it months later!*

The energy of that conference was something special! So I want to bring you in on it.  

I fully believe that my purpose is serving my followers in only the way that I can. If I show up and serve these women well, businesses could change.

  •  When business changes… homes change……
  •  When homes change… neighborhoods change…
  • When a neighborhood changes… a city changes. 
  • And when cities change… lives change.

My keynote is all about how I built my business but more specifically how I built a brand.

>>A brand is what somebody says about you when you walk out of the room.<<

>>Y'all, if you could serve one person really, really, really well, you can create big changes.<< 

So let’s figure out how you and only you can make an impact right where you are at, in the place you are at, with the skills you have, and the tools you’ve been given, shall we?! 

So boo, how are you coming across to people and are you proud of it? 

You were created for something much bigger than yourself. Stand in your purpose, own who you are, and show up for your followers as best you can. 

Grab your pen & notebook or open the notes app on your phone and let's dive into my keynote at Business Boutique 2019. You won’t want to miss hearing the one thing every business owner needs to know. Click >>HERE<< to listen! 

If you would like more tips on how to build your personal brand, download my free branding bundle >>HERE<<. It's everything you need to do to quickly jumpstart your brand building with ease!

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