Three Tips to Achieving Greatness In Business and Leadership with Will Guidara

Ever wondered what it takes to truly achieve greatness in your industry?

Spoiler alert: it all starts with ONE IDEA.

Today, I'm thrilled to bring back Will Guidara, a visionary whose journey to the top is rooted in the concept of “unreasonable hospitality.”

What blew my mind was how such a profound concept was birthed through the power of collaboration. Will's story confirmed my passion for fostering a culture of feedback and growth.

In this episode, you'll learn exactly how Will empowers his team, creates a feedback-oriented culture, and leads his team to victory.

Click >>PLAY<< to hear all of this and:

  • (00:00:23) What it means to apply the concept of “Unreasonable Hospitality” to everything you do in business
  • (00:01:26) The top traits of a great leader and the KEY to empower your team
  • (00:06:02) How to create a culture of feedback and growth (yes, feedback and criticism are highly encouraged!)

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