How to Identify and Lead A, B, and C Players for Business Success

Your team is mostly made up of two kinds of people: donkeys and unicorns.

Lemme explain: Unicorns are high-achievers who can create and manage systems independently, while donkeys are reliable executors of the tasks within the systems (both are important to your organization).

Most teams consist primarily of donkeys, and you know what? That's perfectly okay. The key is to build airtight systems and processes that allow everyone to excel.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to tell the difference between A, B, and C players on your team, how to help B players advance in your organization, and my framework for giving performance reviews,

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(00:00:00) How to understand A, B, and C players in your team.

(00:01:57) How to categorize the different types of people on your team.

(00:02:57) What it means to have a team of “unicorns” and “donkeys”.

(00:05:55) Three key traits to recognize A players within a team.

(00:07:48) Steve Jobs' “A Player Philosophy”.

(00:08:42) How I define A players and prevent them from leaving the organization.

(00:10:39) The key differences between A players and B players.

(00:11:43) What you need to know about C players.

(00:13:38) A personal story of letting a team member go when they weren’t meeting expectations.

(00:17:27) Four steps for conducting effective performance reviews.

(00:22:13) Why you must create a culture where feedback is accepted and sought out.

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