Do you remember the “Share a Coke” campaign?
It was iconic. (And yet, so simple?!)
I mean, they put names on a can and boosted their sales by 2 Billion in just one summer. The lesson? Personalization works. Creativity works. Simple works.
And this right here is exactly why, in this episode, you’ll learn innovative marketing strategies and key tips and ideas for creating effective guerrilla marketing campaigns that work.
Click >>PLAY<< to hear all of this and…
(00:00:00) Discusses the importance of team members' diverse experiences in creating effective marketing strategies.
(00:02:46) The strategy my team put together and how I was initially hesitant to execute it.
(00:04:44) What “Guerrilla Marketing” means and how you can leverage it.
(00:07:33) How Spotify’s strategy turned users into brand ambassadors.
(00:09:43) How Coca-Cola increased sales by 2 Billion in just one summer.
(00:10:41) The campaign Dove put together and why it had such a huge impact.
(00:11:52) Four tips for executing effective Guerrilla Marketing strategies.
(00:12:42) The importance of understanding your ideal client AND your broader audience.
(00:13:48) Why you should leverage your team when creating a marketing strategy.
(00:14:46) How your company values beyond just sales.
(00:17:31) Why you should involve your audience in your decision-making (and how!)
Click >>PLAY<< to listen now!
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