Understanding Client Behavior: Neuromarketing Strategies That Work

If you've listened to more than a few episodes, you probably know that I'm obsessed with all things business and the brain.

And if you're new around the block, I MUST break it to you: I'm a psychology freak.

And, here’s why: understanding human behavior can improve the way you lead, communicate, and grow your business.

That’s exactly why, in this episode, you'll learn three neuromarketing strategies, how you can apply them, and how you can influence your clients' actions and decisions.

Click >>PLAY<< to hear all of this and:

  • (00:00:00) The concept of Neuromarketing and how it influences client behavior.
  • (00:03:14) Why you must start encouraging and prioritizing small commitments from your audience.
  • (00:04:22) How to help your audience process your message faster (beyond just social media).
  • (00:06:34) The Law of Reciprocity and how it applies to your marketing strategy.

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