Anyone feel like they are living in an alternate reality? *cue the Twilight Zone theme song* During the COVID-19 quarantine, normal life is like a long lost friend we are desperately waiting to reconnect with.
Some of us are holding on to the hope that once the dust settles, life is going to completely go back to how it was. But boo boo, that’s just not realistic. It’s time to push past the disappointment and embrace new memories, new patterns, and new opportunities. JD and I are counting the days until social distancing is a thing of the past, but while we wait we are CHOOSING JOY.
I want to bring you in on one week of our new normal. Big crazy things are happening for me right now… some of them I'm even a little bit embarrassed to talk about. But these are the unexpected twists and turns that happen in the midst of a crisis.
I’m creating this podcast in real time and hope at some point in the near future I will be able to come back and talk about how things ended, how things fared, and the lessons I learned along the way.

I debated putting this podcast together because honestly, it feels very personal and it’s not as clean as my other podcasts *although my podcast editor is cringing, an iPhone sure comes in handy in a pinch!*
I mainly struggled with sharing this because I wondered, Would anybody even care? Is this actually going to help someone? But Buttercup, I had to change my mindset and take a taste of my own medicine. It’s ALLLLLL about focusing on the ONE. So if I can reach one person with today’s podcast then it will all be worth it.
If you’re ready for my real talk, clips from my personal life, and to get an inside look into a business navigating a really crazy time in human history… then click play >>HERE<<. This is a rollercoaster of a time for all of us, but we are in this together!
And if this episode resonated with you, I’d love for you to leave a review!