Can I share with you one of my favorite parts of my week? Going live on Facebook for an ASK. ME. ANYTHING.
These no-nonsense, kick-in-the-pants, tell-it-like-it-is Q+A's used to scare the pants off me for the longest time *#realtalk they still kind of do* but now I look forward to them.
Every week I go live as a way to connect with people in real time. For 30 minutes, I enjoy sharing my journey with you and most importantly what I've learned along the way. If you haven’t joined me live on my Facebook page, I’d love to see you over there!
Here’s a taste of what one of my Ask Me Anythings looks like. I talk ALLLLLLL things including starting a podcast, writing a blog, and 3 tips to growing your Facebook group.
If you’re asking yourself if Facebook groups are even worth it groups are a great way to create a community for your ideal client, do market research,, and provide helpful content for them.
In this live I get into 3 ways that you could start growing your Facebook Group, starting with my biggest piece of advice: Have a clear mission.
Ask yourself:
- Who is the group for?
- Why should they choose your facebook group over another?
- What are the benefits?
- What content are you providing in it?
To hear my other 2 tips and so much more click >>HERE<<. I can’t wait to see how you guys use Facebook Groups to grow your business!
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