Friend, whether you’re a brick and mortar shop, a service provider or in Direct Sales, our businesses are people-oriented.
That means we can’t be successful without connecting with others!
In today’s episode, I’m introducing you to one of my dearest connections, Jen Gottlieb. In this chat we talk about all things publicity, mindset, and building connections online and offline to grow your business.
Jen is co-founder and Chief Mindset Officer at Super Connector Media. She is basically a PR queen and waaaaay cooler than I'll ever be. I’ve learned some of my most valuable lessons from her, including how to effortlessly and authentically work a room to make other people comfortable and get anything I want in 20 days using the H.O.P.E. method:
H – Help
O – One
P – Person
E – Everyday
Friend, I just about fell out of my chair when I heard that because it’s so simple!
Growing your network can be as simple as reaching out to one person and figuring out how to serve them today. That’s it, boo boo!
>>If you stick to the HOPE method every day, you will grow your business exponentially.<<
That’s just one juicy bomb Jen drops in this episode. Click play >>HERE<< to hear more! Y'all, this is one action packed, fast talking, hit the ground running episode and I can't wait for you to hear it.
If you loved to listening to Jen share her wisdom as much as I did, we would love to hear from you. Feel free to shout out this episode on your Instagram story and tag us @jen_gottlieb & @jasminestar because we want to connect with YOU!
Jen Gottlieb
Instagram: @jen_gottlieb
Jen Gottlieb is the Co-Founder and Chief Mindset Officer at Super Connector Media. Jen’s plethora of experience in health and wellness coaching, 14-season run as co-host on VH1 and a starring role in a Broadway national tour, has naturally led into her role as host of Unfair Advantage Live, the world's premier publicity event connecting entrepreneurs to the media.