I know we ALLLLLLL avoid using that four lettered F word…. FEAR. Is your tongue going dry and your heart beating a little faster? Boo boo let’s replace fear with another F word… FUN.
Today on the Jasmine Star Show, I join Matt Lebris on his podcast, Decoding Success. We share our advice on how to get clear on your definition of success, conquering fear, tangible tips to believing that you are enough and I even share my top three tips for cultivating a successful relationship.
If you’ve ever wanted an in-depth look into my life, my mindset shifts and the fears I had to conquer, click play >>HERE<< Buttercup. This episode is about to get reeeeaaally juicy.
Over the years, I’ve defined my success as the ability to do what I want, when I want and with whom I want. Your definition may look completely different, but getting clear on what I imagine for my life is why I get to live it out today.
Friend, coming up with your definition of success, building a business and conquering fear doesn’t just happen on the first try. It’s a process that might never fully be finished. But give yourself the grace to continue on in the process.
I hope this episode brings you motivation as you continue on your journey, and inspires you to stop choosing fear and have FUN building your business.
If you enjoyed this episode, show Matt Lebris some love over on his podcast, Decoding Success. And while you’re at it, leave a review for the Jasmine Star Show! I’d love to hear from you and it will help me to continue put out the content you need to hear in your business journey. Thanks boo!