What do tacos, 90 Day Fiance, and a gel manicure have in common?
… I don’t love them nearly as much as I do my husband and business partner JD! Let me tell ya friend, I married up!
After my podcast episode where Amy Porterfield interviewed me and JD, we’ve gotten soooooooo many requests to have him back. Your wish is my command because *drum roll please* JD is in the house!
This episode is a special ASK ME ANYTHING with Jasmine & JD! It’s our very first one, so listen up Buttercup because things are about to get juicy.

We talk alllllllll things going into business together, how to balance work and family life, what we love about each other that the outside world doesn’t get to see, and so much more. You’ll even hear what JD says I’m REALLY like off camera!
While I can get all kinds of awkward talking about myself, JD is cool as a cucumber. Did I mention how amazing he is? We can’t wait to give you this personal glimpse into our lives. Click >>HERE<< to join us!
If you enjoyed it as much as I think you will, let us know in an iTunes review! Reviews let us know what content you want to hear more of and if you tell us you want to hear more JD, it’ll be easier for me to convince him to come back!
We’d love to connect more with y'all so follow and tag us on Instagram: @jasminestar and @jdstar.