Friend, do you feel like you’re doing #allthethings on Instagram but you aren’t seeing results?
*Cue the sweaty palms!*
You’re not alone, boo boo. Jamie asked the same question on a recent Ask Me Anything video I did on Facebook Live.
In this podcast episode, you’re about to hear my response about when she should change her strategy or have more patience. But the gist of it is this…
>>My mentor always told me: What got you here, won’t get you there.<<
What do I mean?
Well my friend, what got you to 200 followers won’t get you to 2,000. And what got you to 2,000 definitely won’t work for increasing your audience to 20,000.
In addition to changing strategies, in this conversation I also answer questions on:
- What to share in your free resources vs. what you teach in your paid course
- The best Pinterest strategy for business owners
- How to start building a team
So click play >>HERE<< to dive in and hopefully your questions will be answered as I chat with other business owners live!
If you enjoyed this episode of the Jasmine Star Show, take a screenshot, post it on your Instagram story and tag me @jasminestar!
I love putting faces to those who tune in to the Jasmine Star Show every week because, to be honest, I recorded this episode in my closet…. It’s kind of hard to imagine you listening to this!