Want to know how to build a killer personal brand?
Here’s the thing, it isn’t just important but rather a necessity if you want your business to actually work. A business without a brand is like a Kardashian without her phone. #useless
Earlier this year I was invited to give a keynote at a Lularoe convention and let me tell ya, the energy in that room was EXPLOSIVE! You think I’m a constant ball of energy but this crowd had me beat.
What’s interesting about this keynote is that I was talking to hundreds of business owners all trying to sell the same product… And I was explaining that this is where branding comes in.
No matter what industry you’re in, your brand is what sets you apart from everyone else.
>> A brand is not defined by a business, a brand is defined by a consumer's perception of that business. <<

A brand is expectations, memories, stories and relationships that lead into a consumer's decision to choose one product or service over another.
- How does your business make them feel?
- How are you serving your ideal customer?
- How are you creating an amazing experience from start to finish for them?
So let me ask you friend: What are your followers saying about you?
Because whether you like it or not, what someone is saying about you when you walk out of the room is your brand, boo boo. And you know what… you get to control what they are saying! Your customer’s perception and experience of your business starts with YOU. So are you ready to make it UNFORGETTABLE!?
If you’re ready to start building your brand or maybe you just need to tweak it… then CLICK >>HERE<< to listen to my keynote presentation. This is not a podcast you’re going to want to miss!
Interested in knowing when I may be giving a keynote near you? You can view all of my upcoming speaking events >>HERE<< I'd love to give you a hug in real life, and if we're not really going to hug in real life, maybe you can give me a digital hug in the form of a podcast review. It would mean the world to me to get to know you on a personal level. I read every single one of them!