Polo, The Ragamuffin…and Photoplus 2010

Yes. This is my dog. He's in need of a good grooming and bedazzling, but after being gone for a while, he's a sight for sore eyes. On this morning's walk–wearing his new yellow jacket–his bum wiggled and he looked back at us every few steps. Just to make sure we were really there. Polo? He melts my heart.

We're home for a couple weeks before leaving to New York City for PDN's Photoplus Expo. I'll be speaking on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 3:45pm and I couldn't be more honored! If you're planning on attending, I'd love to meet you. Unfortunately, my trip will be short so I won't be accepting shooting commissions at this time, but hope to meet as many people out on the tradeshow floor! 🙂