Do you ever feel like you have too much on your plate to possibly accomplish it all?
If everyone has the same 24 hours in their day, why does it often feel like others have more time to achieve their goals than we do??
What really differentiates those who succeed from those who don’t?
>>The secret to being more productive is in how you prioritize your time.<<
This may sound obvious, or easier said than done, but how you prioritize your time is too vital to your success to overlook.
You may say something or someone is important to you, but if you’re not prioritizing your time in a way that reflects that, guess what? It’s not really a priority for you.
How you spend your day is a reflection of what is most important to you.
- What do you NEED to get done in a day?
- What can you let go of?
- What is helping you move towards your goals?
Here’s the real question…
Does your current schedule reflect what matters most to you?
If this question reveals your priorities are out of alignment with what you want. And if they are? Don’t beat yourself up or worry. You’re not alone. I got you!
Here are 5 tips that will help you align your priorities with your goals:
1. Eliminate anything that doesn’t move the needle forward.
You may find yourself thinking, “But I must do this.” to which I reply, “Must you really?” The answer may surprise you, because more often than not the answer is, “No.”
2. Outsource tasks that can be done by someone.
Imagine what more you can accomplish if you were to let go of a task that could be done faster or easier by someone else.
3. Break down big projects into smaller bite-sized tasks. Then determine a schedule.
There’s no task too small. Each one serves its purpose and when you’re able to check multiple things off your list, you’ll find your productivity increases significantly.
4. Don’t let the 5, 10, or 15 minutes in between your daily tasks or events be left unused.
These minutes may not feel like enough time to be truly productive, but that time adds up quickly when used intentionally throughout the day. BIG changes can be made when you maximize the smaller windows of time you have in your day.
5. Be honest with yourself about your capacity and establish realistic timelines.
You can’t expect water from a rock, so you shouldn’t expect that you can do the work of 10 people in one day either. It’s better to be conservative in your estimates of what you can get done in a day so that you can more easily check and adjust your day as needed.
As you reflect on your priorities remember this…
>>Success is reserved for those who work for it.<<
Yes, that means that in order to achieve your goal, there may be some late nights and early mornings. You may find that you need to get more comfortable with saying, “No” to better protect your time.
This may be as simple as choosing to complete work over binging a show on Netflix or sometimes passing on a happy hour with friends.
Don’t get me wrong, rest and downtime are important, but what I’m asking you to do is be more intentional with the time you spend in your day to ensure your priorities are, well… prioritized.
Everything you want to achieve is on the other side of consistency. It’s that plain and simple. We may all have the same 24 hours in a day, but how you prioritize your day will make or break your ability to take consistent action towards the more fulfilling life you want.
Prioritizing your time and working towards your goal consistently may not always be easy, but I promise you, it will be worth it.
If you want to dig deeper into making the most of the time you have, check out my Productivity Planner and balance your responsibilities day in and out. It’s even complete with a sample from my daily to-do list! It’s a system I swear by and now it can be yours, too. Download it >>HERE!<<