Grind all day.
Sleepless nights.
Is this what starting a business requires?
*Umm, no.*
Don’t get me wrong, building a business takes discipline, sacrifice, and hard work.
But if you “grind until the grave” or “sleep when it’s done”, you’ll be on the fast track to burn out.
*And I don’t want that for either of us, Buttercup.*
- Are the days long? Yes.
- Will it be uncomfortable? Maybe.
- Can it be lonely? Yup.
But the only person who’s going to take care of you in the long run is you.
So, here is a reminder to take some time to fill your own cup instead of simply pouring your energy out on others.
>>Your energy is just as important as the work you do.<<
And friend, you can’t do the work you were put on this earth to do if you’re running on empty.
Take a few minutes, right now, to determine what you will do today to put a smile on your face and a fire in your heart.
I’ll be cheering for you.
To help you free up more time to take care of yourself while still running a successful business, let’s chat about working smarter not harder. Creating content should be fun, and it doesn’t need to feel like you’ve run a marathon each time you post on social media. Let me teach you my repurposing strategy and How To Turn One Piece of Content Into Ten. Click >>HERE<< to learn one of my favorite tips for building a business – and a life – you love.