Is Self-Care Important In Business?

Grind all day. 
Sleepless nights. 

Is this what starting a business requires?

*Umm, no.*

Self-Care in Business

Don’t get me wrong, building a business takes discipline, sacrifice, and hard work.

But if you “grind until the grave” or “sleep when it’s done”, you’ll be on the fast track to burn out.

*And I don’t want that for either of us, Buttercup.*

  • Are the days long? Yes.
  • Will it be uncomfortable? Maybe.
  • Can it be lonely? Yup.

But the only person who’s going to take care of you in the long run is you.

So, here is a reminder to take some time to fill your own cup instead of simply pouring your energy out on others.

>>Your energy is just as important as the work you do.<<

And friend, you can’t do the work you were put on this earth to do if you’re running on empty.

Take a few minutes, right now, to determine what you will do today to put a smile on your face and a fire in your heart.

I’ll be cheering for you.

How to Turn one Piece of Content into Ten with my proven repurposing strategy

To help you free up more time to take care of yourself while still running a successful business, let’s chat about working smarter not harder. Creating content should be fun, and it doesn’t need to feel like you’ve run a marathon each time you post on social media. Let me teach you my repurposing strategy and How To Turn One Piece of Content Into Ten. Click >>HERE<< to learn one of my favorite tips for building a business – and a life – you love.