It’s no secret that I love to work smarter, not harder.
*And no, that’s not because I’m lazy!* In fact it’s the opposite.
>>I recognize that there is so much to do to run a business that if I didn’t maximize my time, there wouldn’t be any left for living life.<<
One of the ways I do this is through repurposing content.
You’ve probably heard me talk about this in a variety of ways, but one of the ways I still see so few people capitalizing on is through the use of Instagram Guides.
So let me ask you this:
- Are there questions you receive *allllllllll* the time?
- Is there advice you feel like you’re constantly repeating?
- Are there aspects of your life or business you wish everyone knew?
If you answered yes to any of the above, then Instagram Guides will be a lifesaver for you.

If you haven’t made your first one yet, basically Instagram Guides are curated groups of posts, products, or places that you can offer your audience.
>>With this feature, you have the ability to consolidate content around specific topics to act as a resource, making it easier for your account (and your content) to get discovered.<<
Instagram Guides are exactly that: a guide of a specific flow of content chosen by the creator.
Guides are essentially a creative long-form blog post or e-commerce promo, but most of the work is already done for you!
Anyone *yes, friend, even you!* can use Guides as a way to grow their business. The biggest hurdle to overcome is taking the first step, and I’m here to help!
Here are 3 different guides you can create for your business and provide value to your audience.
Place Guides
Place guides are a great option for physical-location businesses, because they showcase the area around yours. Thanks to the geo-tag capability, you can choose posts that are tagged to a certain location.
Product Guides
An obvious choice for product-based businesses, Product Guides allow the option to pull posts related to certain products available for sale. But, this is also a great option for service-based businesses who want to showcase their favorite tools or products related to their services.
Post Guides
Giving access to consolidated, curated content, Post Guides are a great way for any type of business to collect posts that you’ve either created yourself or saved from other accounts.
See how easy it is to repurpose content you’ve already created with Instagram Guides? Not only is it a way to work smarter, not harder, but I also love them because they’re shareable and searchable, so it’s really easy to get discovered by your ideal client!
If you’re ready to create your first Guide, I’d love to, well… “Guide” you on your journey to serving your audience in a whole new way. Download my free resource, How to Grow Your Business with Instagram Guides. Download it >>HERE<< for FREE to learn more about the 3 different types of Guides, which one I recommend for ANY business owner to start with, and a worksheet to help you create your first one. It’s time to get your content in front of your dream customer’s eyes!