3 Factors That Determine Success on Social Media

Do you want your posts to be seen, your followers to engage, and your audience to be primed to be customers?

*I thought so.*

But I’m going to deal it to you straight:

>>Social media platforms rely on user behavior to create unique feeds.<< 

You and I could follow the same 100 accounts, but our feeds would look entirely different from one another because of the content we chose to interact and engage with. What we see first is related to what we engage with the most.

The same is true for your followers.

Here are the 3 factors that determine what your followers will see and how to leverage them for success in your business:

Success on Social Media


If your followers are engaging with you, that indicates to the algorithm that you have a relationship with each other and they want to see more from you.

So, how do you create an engaging post? Well, I’ve cracked the code, and it’s called the H.I.C. Formula.

In every post, include:

  • Hook – The first sentence that grabs your readers attention.
  • Insights – The bulk of the caption that offers value or an inside look.
  • Call to Action – The last sentence that instructs the reader to engage in some way.


Next, you need to pique the interest of your ideal client by providing content that resonates with them and offers the solution to their problems.

The best way I have found to do this is to share to my Instagram Stories.

Stories create an engaging, fast-paced environment with a casual atmosphere. The video component offers a unique opportunity to form deeper relationships and show what life is like behind the scenes, which makes you more relatable.


I’m going to put a stake in the ground and say that you become relevant by creating content.

You actually won’t know what people are going to respond to until you create content in large quantities.

>>This means that you don’t know what type or topic of content your followers will resonate best with until you create it.<<

The more options you give the algorithm and the more you post, the more inventory the algorithm has to serve up to those who are most likely to engage.

Now, that may seem daunting, but you are not in this alone. I want to help!

Enrollment for Social Curator is Open! Get social media resources, coaching at accountability at socialcurator.com/join

When you join Social Curator, the Social Curator team and I empower you with all the tools and education you need to succeed:

  • Group coaching and masterclasses (with me and some brilliant minds)
  • Accountability challenges each month (because we want you to show up)
  • Guided tutorials on how to market your business on social media (that lead to sales)
  • 30 caption templates (you’ll never wonder what to say)
  • A gallery of 3,500+ lifestyle photos (that will always stop the scroll)
  • A monthly marketing Action Plan that’ll turn you into an industry leader (yes, YOU!)
  • …and MORE for just $49/month!

Are you ready? You can join >>HERE!<<

I’d be honored to see you inside Social Curator today.