How to Have a Successful Launch

Picture this: 

  • You pour your heart and soul into a product and finally push publish to share it with the world. 
  • You plaster your announcement all over social media, confident that customers will be rushing to give you their credit card information.
  • After a few hours, you check in and realize you made 3 sales… to your mom, your aunt, and your best friend.

As much as you appreciate the support from loved ones, you crave the attention of your dream client.

*Oh sweet friend, I have been there.*

But the good news is that this doesn’t need to be YOUR reality. 

Can I give you my secret weapon? I want to give you my launch strategy.

*You read that right! I am spilling allllll the tea.*

Over the years, I have developed a system that never fails and always delivers stellar results. *every. single. time.*

>>This promotional plan is the key to having your most successful launch. Ever.<<

But don’t take my word for it! Put it to the test, and get that money, hunnayyy!

The Consistency Caveat

Before we dive in to all of the details, I need you to do one thing for me:

>>I need you to commit to showing up consistently.<<

I promise you, this is the most crucial component of the process.

Showing up consistently with valuable content is what will push your launch over the top.

Are you in?

*Good, I knew I liked you!*

How to Have a Successful Launch

Before Promotion

First things first, establish a timeline. 

You’ll need to pick the date of your launch and then reverse engineer your strategy by working backwards.

>>I recommend a three-month lead time, but it can be adapted to fit your schedule.<<

For two months straight, do not pitch a dang thing. 

All I want you to do is give, give, give, and then give some more.

  • Give Content
  • Give Information
  • Give Value
  • Give Benefits

>>By doing this, you are positioning yourself as the go-to authority in your industry.<<

You will show that you not only talk the talk, but also walk the walk, and you give your audience the tools and resources they need to follow in your footsteps.

During Promotion

In the last 4 weeks leading up to launch, you get to work your magic! Each week has its own step:

  • Warm-up
  • Nurture
  • Promotion
  • Deadline

In the first week, you will warm up your audience by reminding followers who you are. Introduce yourself, share the journey that got you to where you are, and let your personality shine. Continue to show your expertise and give freely of your knowledge.

Next, acknowledge a pressure point they face and let them know you have been there, too. This puts you in a position to appease their concerns and nurture their interest.

Then, after you have put in allllllll that work, you can finally promote your services. In the third week, you’ll be an educational conduit. Offer a free online class, host a challenge, or do a series of Live videos and present your offer.

Now, let’s not get it twisted, friend. You don’t want to lead with how great you are and then ask for a sale. 

>>Framework your promotion as an educational experience to build their trust in you.<<

Finally, you’ll end with a deadline where the cart closes, bonuses expire, or discounts disappear. This will create a sense of urgency that encourages fast action.

After Promotion

Once that deadline arrives, pop some bubbly and celebrate your success!

Allow yourself to revel in the culmination of everything you have spent the last three months working towards…. 

Then put down your champagne flute and let the *real* work begin!

>>Continue to serve well, show up consistently, and overdeliver on the promises you’ve made.<<

How to Create an Ideal Client Profile

Do you want more clarity on how to speak to your ideal client in a way that resonates and leads to sales? 

*I have just the thing, Buttercup!*

This Ideal Client Workbook helps you think like your dream customer so you know how to serve them in the best way!

You can download it >>HERE<< and start delivering up the content they need in the way they need it. Now you have all the tools you need to position yourself as an authority in preparation for your next launch!

Listen to the live Clubhouse conversation about how to have a successful launch