I didn’t learn to read until I was 11. Sometimes I find that hard to believe considering my love for it now.
Once I learned how to read, the world opened up to me, and I began devouring it with every turn of the page. But reading isn’t my only love…
When I learned to read, I developed a love of the written word. A love for the emotion it can evoke. And a love for writing myself.
- It was this love of communication that set me apart in the photography world as I began blogging.
- It was this love of communication that led me to social media and marketing.
- It was this love of communication that enabled me to serve business owners like you, Hustler.
But what I didn’t anticipate was how this love for the written word would also translate into another skill set I would need in business: public speaking.
Would you believe me if I told you that speaking, whether on stage or in front of a camera, is no different than writing a high school paper?
*I know, I know. Don’t let that deter you, stick with me!*

Whether in the books we love to read, the podcasts we love to listen to, or the shows we love to watch, the elements that keep you hooked are the same.
*And here’s where it gets exciting!*
>>You can leverage these basic elements in the videos you create to capture your audience’s attention and serve them up something of value.<<
You can use these in any type of speaking format, be that on a stage, pre-recorded video, or a live broadcast.
Ready to dive in?
Anytime you prepare to speak, you’ll want to have one central idea or point of the message. It can be tempting to wing it in the name of being casual or relatable, but the truth is you won’t be either of those things if your message doesn’t have a logical flow.
Having a thesis, or a main point, to your message allows you to plan to direct the conversation from one point to the next.
Supporting Elements
Once you know what your thesis statement is, you need to prepare to bridge the gap between where your audience is and where you’d like them to be by the end. You help them along this transformation by providing two or three supporting elements that proves the original point.
You’ll want to finish in a way similar to where you began: by reiterating the main point and the value of it. Loop it around and bring the conversation full circle so your audience can now connect the dots with their newfound knowledge.
These basics will serve you well regardless of the type of speaking you do. I hope you get out there and take that messy, scrappy action, friend.
If you want to learn more about what this process looks like and how to implement these strategies, I’ve got you! Check out this Business Owner’s Guide to Going Live that will walk you through creating a plan and executing it well. Download it >>HERE<< and I’ll see you Live soon!