To those who made me doubt, caused me fear, or whispered about me: THANK YOU.
I want to thank every person who ever doubted my capacity to succeed. THANK YOU:
- for the business deals that I got cut out of,
- for the business partners who walked away,
- for the late nights,
- for the lonely mornings,
- for the bounced checks,
- for every time somebody said, “No,”
- for the failures,
- for all the negative things that were ever said, and
- for the secrets whispered behind my back.
>>I want to say thank you to every person who said I wasn't enough… Because I have proven that I am.<<

My ability to step on a stage, teach a class, or show up live on social media? That is only a by-product of getting up after making mistakes time and time again.
*And I do it for you, friend.*
>>Every time I step up, I also understand that I'm setting the standard and example for those who follow in my wake.<<
So I will thank those doubters, haters, and unbelievers, and so should you, Buttercup.
You see, those people shape who we’re destined to become.
As long as we remain committed to getting up after we’ve been knocked down, we’ve won.
If we continue moving forward, no matter how small our steps appear, we will prevail.
If you’re struggling with people who don’t believe in your business, it’s time to let go of their doubt.
Refuse to let their judgement stop you from doing what you’ve been called to do.
Those haters? They are going to be the people to get you to where you want to go.
>>Because you will continue to rise.<<
For more mindset shifts like this one, download my FREE Mindset Makeover Workbook. It includes 5 crucial mindset shifts you need to make to succeed in business, a powerful exercise that changed everything for me, and a corresponding video to watch whenever you’re feeling lost. Download the Mindset Makeover Workbook >>HERE!<<