If you’re anything like me, you understand that testimonials are an incredible way to market your business. And you also know that it can be a struggle to ask for testimonials without sounding awkward.
But it doesn’t have to be!
- You work hard in your business, right hustler?
- You want to make your clients happy, right friend?
- You want to get killer testimonials that promote your business and offer feedback on how you’re serving your audience, right boo boo?
>>If you show up and serve your audience well, they will become your biggest advocates.<<
With the following methods, you’ll be able to easily collect testimonials for your business…and use them online for success!
Face-to-face clients: Option #1
>>Ask previous clients for their permission to use compliments they have already said to you.<<
When I first started my photography business, my clients would send me an email or text message after a shoot telling me how much fun they had working with me and how much they loved their photos.
After I came down from cloud nine (hearing praises makes my heart soar), I would respond and ask if I could share those kind words on my website.
And you know what?
Everyone said YES!
For me, I didn’t feel awkward in this situation. I was able to show my gratitude and ask a favor, so it was easy for them to agree to it because they had already said it!
Easy peasy!

Face-to-face clients: Option #2
>>Ask clients to share their thoughts in a short video describing their experience.<<
When you’re working with clients face-to-face, ask if they would be willing to have you record a 20-second video of them discussing their experience working together.
Ask simple questions, such as:
- How would you describe working together?
- What was your favorite part of us working together?
- Why did you choose to work with me?
Short videos like this require no additional work or commitment from your clients, so most will be happy to do it!
Bonus: video testimonials can be transcribed into text and can be used in a variety of ways!
Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!
Virtual clients
>>Ask clients if you can set up a video call and record their responses to simple questions you ask.<<
Set up a short, five-minute call and ask the same questions as you would if you were face-to-face with your client. Record their responses and use the video or transcribed text as a testimonial.
Easy peasy!
Once you have testimonials, share them online as much as possible:
- Post on Instagram Stories and save as a highlight on your account.
- Use as a caption for a social media post (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).
- Add text or video testimonials to your website.
There you have it, Buttercup, several ways you can gain valuable feedback from your previous clients AND promote your business on various platforms! Hopefully, with these tips, you won’t feel awkward or desperate, and the process of gaining testimonials will be easy peasy!