It's what he does. He takes protecting us very seriously and if you're going to get in his way, be warned because you may just be licked to death. Every night, we climb the stairs together and JD turns off the hall light, just as I give Polo just onnnnne more kiss goodnight. You shouldn't baby him, JD tells me. I roll my eyes in the darkness and sigh. Once we're in bed, Polo will jump on the covers and check on us, walking the diameter of our mattress a few times…you know, checking for dubious things that may lurk in the pillows. When the coast is clear, Polo jumps off and sleeps right in front of our bed. Occasionally growling when the house creaks or the glow of my computer seeps in from the office.

The mornings are always the same. At 6:30am, I wake. It's just what I do and even though I try sleeping in, it just doesn't work. Every day I kiss JD good morning and whisper Polo's name. My little pork chop jumps on the bed and takes my place next to JD in bed. My boys lay next to each other while I start my day, and every morning I feel satisfied. Sure, my proverbial cup may not runneth over the entire day, but at this moment, it does. And keeps on running because life is good when the sun rises.
Today Polo was too tired to get out of bed when JD arose at 7am, so he insisted on burying himself in the comforter and letting the world fly by.