As a creative, a nice status symbol is busyness. The busier you are, the more successful you appear. While it may hold some truth, it's important to take a step back and realize rest, relaxation, and play are equal indicators of success. I mean, when I hear of a friend taking three weeks off to travel, I applaud him for running such a healthy business he can afford to do such a thing (okay, and I'm also jealous…obvs). I ran across this quote from Brene Brown yesterday…
It's taken me almost nine years to understand the value of taking time to just be, as well as investing in friendship, memories, and mental health…if I could go back and tell the Jasmine Star of 2006 something, I'd say, Email will always be there…go walk on the beach…watch the sunset from your backyard…plan a decadent trip for no reason…eat a cupcake. Definitely eat a cupcake.
As I'm finding balance between a very busy work schedule, sweet friends have come along to ensure I stay on track. Speaking of tracks, I photographed a wedding last Saturday and though we were downright exhausted, we spent Sunday at Santa Anita Racetrack with friends, followed by a backyard BBQ. The sun set and cast shadows against our guacamole…and it was perfect.
Yesterday my best friends treated me to a cooking class at Sur La Table. We learned how to make some fancy lamb dish (to be honest, as a vegetarian, I was more concerned with refilling champagne glasses) and spent the evening catching up and laughing much too loudly.
These are the moments I want to cherish, the moments I need to keep as sacred. Sure, it's lovely being busy…but being truly present in life's simple moments are the most rewarding.