The Trick To Writing Better Captions: The Quick Caption Quiz

I know what it’s like to pick up my phone and prepare to post on Instagram… But have nothing to say. Have you ever been there?

I can’t be the only one who has to post in the next hour before my next meeting, so I’ve hardly picked a topic when I start typing, while my mind wanders and my coffee gets cold…. Right??

This used to be my social media routine before I discovered a way to test whether or not my captions would get engagement before I even posted it.

Now, writing a great caption takes less time than it takes for me to brew coffee in a french press! Want to know my secret? It’s the quick caption quiz!

>>Below are 5 questions to answer before your caption goes live that will save you from the crickets of non-responders.<<

The Quick Caption Quiz: 

  1. Is this caption helpful or informative?
  2. Is this caption inspiring?
  3. Am I giving people a reason or a way to respond?
  4. Does it explain who I am or what I do?
  5. Would my ideal client find it interesting?

For example, let’s say I want to tell my audience, “I like vanilla lattes!” How does this fair in the quick caption quiz?

  1. Is this caption helpful or informative? No.
  2. Is this caption inspiring? No.
  3. Am I giving people a reason or a way to respond? No.
  4. Does it explain who I am or what I do? No.
  5. Would my ideal client find it interesting? Probably not.

Now I’m going to alter this caption to see if we can get it to be a little more engaging: “I like vanilla lattes! What’s your favorite drink?”

  1. Is this caption helpful or informative? No.
  2. Is this caption inspiring? No. 
  3. Am I giving people a reason or a way to respond? Yes.
  4. Does it explain who I am or what I do? No.
  5. Would my ideal client find it interesting? Probably not.

Let’s try one more time. How about: “I like vanilla lattes! I’m sharing my favorite recipe for you to check out. Please share in the comments below if you have ideas to make it better!”

  1. Is this caption helpful or informative? Yes.
  2. Is this caption inspiring? Yes.
  3. Am I giving people a reason or a way to respond? Yes.
  4. Does it explain who I am or what I do? No. 
  5. Would my ideal client find it interesting? Probably.

In this example, my caption about vanilla lattes went from not passing ANY of the quick caption quiz questions *say that 5 times fast!* to passing 4 out of 5.

>>After you’ve gone through the Quick Caption Quiz, it is easy to create a better caption that your ideal client will resonate with!<<

If you’d like more social media tips like this one, monthly group coaching, and customizable caption templates for days you just can’t think of anything to say, join Social Curator >>HERE!<<