After the earthquake in Haiti a few weeks ago, I felt helpless. I mean, yes, I texted a donation to the Red Cross and when George Clooney asked me to pledge money during the telethon, I happily waived my credit card. Because George? Well George could ask me to give my kidney and I'd be all, G'head George, take both…
But at the end of the day, I still felt like I wasn't doing enough. Last month at WPPI, Thirst Relief International hosted a mentor auction. Prior to event, I was informed TRI had already established contacts and connection in Haiti prior to the earthquake for well drilling. A large portion of the monies collected during the mentor auction would be allocated to relief in Haiti and I was honored to be a part of the event.
Lucky for me, Christina Masters was the highest bidder for my auction and we spent the afternoon eating, laughing, and talking about everything. No, literally, everything. I mean, yes, we spoke about photography and branding, but we also spoke about life, reality tv, and good purses. At the end of the afternoon, I squeezed her tight. Maybe too tight. Whateva, I'm a hugger.

I still feel like I want to do more for Haiti relief efforts because although the media coverage is all but gone, actual relief is just beginning. I look forward to doing more in the future, but I wanted to thank Christina openly for giving to such a great organization and cause…
Happy Friday!