Whether your LinkedIn profile has been collecting dust since your days as a college student, you’ve been avoiding the platform because you think it doesn’t align with your business model, or you KNOW you should be using LinkedIn but don’t know where to begin…listen up!
Here’s a little secret, and it might surprise you…
LinkedIn is NOT just for job seekers and those in corporate America!
LinkedIn is essentially the world’s largest networking event, with over 700 million users on the site, holding major untapped potential for business owners.
*If you’re wanting to connect with more clients and customers, LinkedIn should be your new best friend!*
Now before you say, “LinkedIn doesn’t work for MY business,” I’m going to stop you right there, Buttercup, because I have seen LinkedIn work for ANY business for members of Social Curator.
>>Using LinkedIn for your business comes down to understanding how to communicate with the professionals on the platform.<<
Create content and posts around your product that would appeal to someone in the professional space.
For example, if you sell hair care products, some content ideas could be:
- 3 quick ways to do your hair for work-from-home meetings
- How to get the most out of every wash for the busy working woman
- What product every business owner needs for their hair
See, friend? I told you LinkedIn would work for your product or service-based business!
I can’t wait to see how you use this platform to bring your business to new heights in 2021.
Not sure if your ideal client is on LinkedIn? To help you identify who you’re speaking to, download my free guide >>HERE<< that will walk you through how to identify, engage with, and market to your ideal client.