Do you believe the myth that you have to be in business longer, sell a physical product, have a lot of money to spend on ads, sell a service, or ____________ [fill in the blank] to market your business on Instagram?
I thought so Buttercup, but it’s NOT true. And although I might offend you, I’m okay with that.
>>You see, so many people walk around afraid to tell someone the truth that will change their life…. But I’m not that friend.<<
I’ll tell you if there’s spinach in your teeth, I’ll share if I think you can do better, I’ll adjust your crown without letting you know it was crooked.
But that also means I’ll deal it to you straight if you’re talking yourself out of pursuing your dream.
Today, I’m answering 3 of your Instagram-themed questions to help you market your business using social media. Let’s dive in!
1. Can I run ads if I don’t have a Call-to-Action?
Yes! I am a firm believer in running brand-building ads. These bring exposure to your brand without expecting anything from your audience. I’m a big fan of boosting posts with value that allow people to get to know me, my business, and then want to connect with me further. That’s worth its weight in gold!

2. Should I have a separate personal and business account?
I have good news: There’s no right or wrong answer–there’s only a right or wrong for YOUR business. If you think your dream customer is interested in your personal life, then infuse your personality into your business account. If not, then I would recommend separating them. Moral of the story: what does your dream customer want to see?
3. How can I use Instagram for B2B instead of B2C?
I just want to take a step back and remind you, Buttercup, that a business doesn’t buy from a business–a person from a business buys from a person at another business. There is always a person making the decision to purchase, so even if you are a business-to-business company, humanize your content to appeal to the personal side of the decision-maker by leading with value and infusing your personality.
See, friend? I told you I’m not afraid to deal it to you straight.
I may come across as a little rough-around-the-edges, but I do it to inspire you to build the business of your dreams.
We only have one wild and crazy life. Don’t forget that, boo.
Want more Instagram tips? Download my FREE Instagram Marketing Guide! Not only does it come with a guide jam-packed with tips, but you will also receive 5 lifestyle photos to share on social. Download the guide >>HERE!<<