Yesterday was a great day. Not because I got to visit Canada for the first time in my life, not because JD and I found this amazing Japanese restaurant where they spoke verrry little English, and not because I convinced JD to buy me a jacket from Lululemon because I left mine at home. Actually, those moments made the day special, but what made the day great was the chance to meet an amazing group of photographers in Vancouver.
I spoke at ImageQuest Conference at the River Rock Hotel and being surrounded by such an amazing group of photographers rocked my world. I was incredibly welcomed and I felt like an honorary Canadian. I even tried ending my sentences with eh?, but I was quickly informed that it made me sound like a tourist. Pffft.
JD snapped a few photos of the event, but I was emailed today by Mikaela and she blogged a few photos, so I decided to just borrow hers because, well, if I was being honest, I'm just too tired to edit my own! 😉

Mikaela grabbed this quick photo of me and JD and I really, really love it. Or maybe I just love him. Anyway…it's here…so deal with it! 😉

I decided to sit at the end of the presentation for Q+A…it was a four-hour presentation, and my heels were not cooperating with me….

To the many amazing photographers who showed up…thank you. I know you heard many different perspectives and opinions during the three-day conference, but I appreciate your willingness to be open. And to share. And laugh. I'm so excited to make my way back to Vancouver soon and when I do, I can't wait to hang out again! 🙂
Happy Wednesday!