Can I ask you a question?
Do you want to look at pretty, perfect feeds, or do you want to see people just show up as themselves?
There isn’t a right answer…but it’s important to follow YOUR preferences to understand what YOUR followers want, too.
Real talk: there was a time when my Instagram feed looked like a magazine spread or a curated museum.
But we ain’t in 2016, so let’s have a 2021 conversation (yes, let’s talk about the future).
Now hang on to your morning coffee… I’m not saying that aesthetics (appearance of your feed) should be *ugly*. Heck no!
I’m saying that realness is the future.
Stop making it perfect…your pretty Instagram feed won’t make you, and it won’t break you either. Why?
>>Creativity will always be rewarded on social media, but don’t get it twisted: overly curated, pretty, perfect feeds run the risk of becoming predictable.<<
And predictable is BORING.

- How many ✌🏼 photos at Coachella are we tired of seeing?
- How many sipping on lattes sitting in bed next to a pile of books with messy-hair-don’t-care photos are we tired of seeing?
- How many sitting cross-legged on a patio cheers-ing with mimosas brunch photos are we tired of seeing?
Listen, brilliant soul, YOU DO YOU.
Incorporate colors and filters YOU like, not necessarily what you think will look best on your grid. Colors are a great way to showcase your personality, so whether you prefer a dark and moody aesthetic, light and airy, or bright and colorful, show up as you are.
Let your hair down. Celebrate imperfection. Attract people who like you for you.
>>It’s time to show up as you and BE SEEN.<<
If you want to learn more about how to take better photos for Instagram, download my free guide, 3 Ways to Take Better Instagram Photos for Your Business, where I’ll walk you through how to find the right light, style your flatlays, and take your own branding photos for Instagram…without caring about a perfect feed!

This resource is filled with how-to videos, my personal advice, and checklists to help you take creative, non-boring photos that not only look good to you but also to your audience.
If you’re ready to find your confidence with a camera, download my free guide and get ready to bring in a steady stream of clients and sales with beautiful photography >>HERE!<<