Today’s Ask Me Anything starts with an experience yesterday that forced me to believe that we can figure out ANYTHING…if we want it bad enough.
So often we battle the temptation to believe that we have a set of insurmountable obstacles to face that others don't. We look at the trials in our life and wonder why we were shafted with the short straw.
But I've come to believe that those who are destined for success simply take their straw (no matter what size) and make it work for their business.
In this episode of Ask Me Anything, I explain how/why this is the case…then get into answering LIVE questions. Woohoo!
(And if you wanna skip ahead, the show timeline is below so you can watch just what you want!)
0:00 – Intro
0:19 – How I got my business started
2:20 – You can figure out anything
3:16 – Persistance
4:27 – Perseverance
4:55 – You can figure anything out…if you want it bad enough
6:42 – [Ask Me Anything] Do you prepare (your Post-it note schedules) the day before? Or in the morning?
– Do you need to work alone without any distractions?
– Are you alone in a room, or is JD so silent while working on something that you enjoy being there together? How do you manage to stay on track and not be disturbed – if it is something you need as well?
9:55 – You said you have a personal account on Instagram and I see you don’t use many hashtags. I’m wondering how you grew your account so big?
12:57 – Your thoughts in general regarding Facebook groups?
14:18 – What was your biggest “oops”?
15:15 – Is it true that editing your Instagram posts after it’s been posted throws off your likes and visibility for that post?
15:48 – Can two people run a business IG without using a third person voice and creating a “personality disorder”?
17:14 – Can you share a little bit about how it was when you and JD first started working together?
18:18 – How about advertising/promotion using personal vs business Facebook page?
19:41 – Do you post the same content that you stagger across accounts on different days or do you create different content for each platform?
21:20 – If I run via Facebook, is there a way to also merge them onto Instagram? Any tips on that?
22:07 – Do you have suggestions on how to organize my posts every month? Do you use Google or how do you organize your content/captions?
24:05 – Instagram pods…what are your thoughts on these? Do you think they hurt or help? Will Instagram recognize the same group of people commenting and will that hurt your exposure?