Obsession, of the Paper Kind

Obsession: a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea. I wouldn’t say I’m obsessed with paper goods. Really. I just like everything about the feel, color, and smell. Yes, the smell. There’s just something about walking into a stationary store and feeling at one with my penmanship self.

I love writing—and receiving—letters, so in staying true to this compulsion, I ensure everything that leaves my office is accompanied by a hand-written note. When I was a manager for Nordstrom, it was company policy to contact our dedicated clients via hand-written notes. I guess the philosophy of personal touch stuck with me because I feel like I write notes all day!

From the inception of my business, I invested in personalized paper goods and I felt like it could be used a point of differentiation. I still subscribe to this thought. Now that I’m currently undergoing a rebranding, one of the first things I had to do was reinvest in paper goods. When I spoke to Allison of Sadori Studio, I told her exactly what I wanted: clean, simple, modern. What she produced was a card with rounded edges, my logo, and a black ribbon band. On the inside is personalized signature and contact information. It’s perfect for what I need and want!

If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll know that my paper good obsession reaches out to the more ghetto fabulous regions: Post-It Notes. Also known as the step-child of the paper world, Post-Its are my best friend. I can’t tell you how much I really use them because one might think I hoard cats in my home and hide croutons under my bed, but suffice to know it’s a lot. I use them for grocery lists, to-do lists, Oh-I-like-this-song notes, reminders, I Love You notes, postage, Can-you-please-take-out-the-trash notes. Everything. My family and fellow blog readers have been kind in fueling my obsession (much to JD’s chagrin), so here’s proof of a future crazy lady:

And the funny thing is I’m sure I’ll go through all these Post-Its in about a month. Like I said, I’m obsessed.