The Un-Birthday

There’s a scene in Alice in Wonderland where the Mad Hatter and Friends host an Un-Birthday. They run around, pour tea, and create a little havoc.

Well, happy Un-Birthday to me.

Please forgive me as I’m not in the best of moods. I spent most of yesterday in a dentist chair, only to hear, I’m sorry, Jasmine, you’re going to have to go to a specialist to get this root canal addressed.

Hold up…whaaaat? When did I get a root canal? I set up an appointment to get a filling replaced. And now I have to sit in more pain for an emergency root canal?! Of course I didn’t ask any of these questions because my dentist used enough anesthesia to numb an elephant, so talking was reduced to groans and grunts. Where was that darn Mad Hatter when I needed a spot of tea?!

I’m off for my emergency root canal and I’m beyond dreading my day. JD has a surprise for this evening, so I hope I’m feeling well enough to go. Say a prayer for me because I—seriously—could use all I can get! I’m so scared! 🙁

Apparently my root is just like me: stubborn, strong, and a fighter. However, my endodontist–the lovely and sweet warrior that she was–fought back with nine shots of anesthesia and won after two hours. Once the procedure was complete, she rubbed my cheek softly and softly said, You may feel like you got punched in the face tomorrow… At that point, she could of told me I was breathing my last breaths and I would have been fine…she was just THAT nice. Or I was just THAT numb.

Either way, I left my appointment feeling like I conquered the world. Until the meds wore off.

JD walked in yesterday after work and I immediately planted my face in the carpet and cried. I was a mess. I hadn't eaten all day, my mouth was throbbing, and It just doesn't feel like my birthday! I was acting like a Category 4 Brat. If there were sirens, they'd be blaring.

Thankfully, JD stepped right over my prostrate body, picked out a dress for me to wear and said he made dinner plans. We went to La Fondue and celebrated one of the best nights ever!! The food was divine and JD has a few surprises up his sleeve that left me completely bratless for the remainder of the night. I LOVED it!

I'm so thankful for JD…and for Birthday Week…and cheese fondue…and chocolate fondue…and if anyone brings up me eating chocolate after a root canal, I will crawl through the internet and pinch you!! 😉

I forgot my camera at home, but our server was kind enough to take this photo on JD's iPhone…