He said it was quite unlike me. You mean like a craft, he asked. My husband was confused as to why I bought paint-by-number sets.
I was hosting a holiday tamale dinner (homemade by yours truly!), and decided to make it a painting party as well.
When I unboxed all the art supplies, I realized I underestimated just how many numbers appeared on each forthcoming masterpiece. You ladies will be painting for a week straight, JD laughed as he shook his head and walked away.
Undaunted, my friends and I started the party by unwrapping tamales, then unwrapping our supplies. NINE hours later, they left with unfinished paintings.
The following morning I told JD I wasn’t going to finish the painting. I was overwhelmed. It took more time than expected. I wasn’t seeing results. There were so! many! details!
Each day, however, I painted a little more. I worked in small sprints because, well, I realized this painting represented building a business.
Building a business is overwhelming. It takes more time than expected. It rarely yields quick results. And there are so! many! details!
It’s been two weeks since I started my paint-by-number masterpiece, and more than a decade since I started my business, and yet I’m excited to continue to see small bits of progress, each adding to the bigger picture.
As we begin the new year, I hope you find yourself ready to work on your masterpiece, regardless of how long it takes, or what progress is experienced.
To slowly unwrapping your success (and tamales),
P.S. You know those conversations that start from the heart right away – the ones where there’s no small talk about the weather, no introduction… nothing but straight up honesty? That’s exactly the kind of conversation I had with Anthony Trucks on today’s podcast. Click >>PLAY<< if you want to hear us talk about everything from owning the value you bring to the world to how to be ok when people reject your offer to what I hope JD and I pass on to Luna (and a whole lot more).