FAQ : Photography Workshops

FAQ : If you could pick one seminar/workshop to go to, which one would it be and why?

I’ve been asked this question more times than I can count…and I LOVE it! I make no qualms about attributing my rapid photography/business growth to others who have invested in me, especially the amazing people who have hosted workshops and seminars. Part of why I feel so passionately about attending these types of events is because of my degree in Business Administration. Every week while I was in college, we’d read Harvard Business Case Studies (I’m talking about serious amounts of case studies here!) and dissect the way a particular business is operated—what made it successful, what made it fail, what needed to change. One thing that remained constant for thriving and productive businesses was an active participation and investment in Research&Development. Growing companies are always looking for ways to be better and/or the best.

That’s why I invest a large part of my income for R&D. The last thing I want my business to become stagnant…once I reek of tepidity, I’m closing my doors, turning off my computer, and calling it quits.

In the past year, I’ve attended more than a few workshops and I can honestly say I’ve LOVED them all and learned more than I could articulate. One hasn’t been better than the other, but they’ve all been different…all perfect in their own way.

**I want to clarify that I'm not getting a kick-back for this post. These are just my opinions and truthful endorsements. However, if anyone of these seminar hosts would like to send me a pint of Ben&Jerry’s as a way to say thanks, I’ll totally accept it!**

Here are a few I’d encourage any photographer to attend (in no particular order)…
*[b]ecker : Party of 5
• Shoots jpeg, heavy emphasis on marketing and branding, limited to five photogs only, one day. I love [b]ecker. Seriously, the guy is nothing but good for the soul and is a marketing guru…and his pictures ain’t so bad either! 😉

*Mike Colon : Four-Day Intensive Workshop
• Shoots jpeg, industry godfather, two photoshoots with models, appx 25 photogs, four days. I can’t say enough nice things about Mike…he’s played such a large part in my business and he’s amazing. This was the first workshop I attended and it rocked my world!

*David Jay : He's going on tour with Professional Photographers of America (PPA), so be sure to see if he's visiting a town near you!
• Shoots raw, heavy emphasis on workflow and outsourcing, small class size, 2-3 days. I went to DJ’s Brooks workshop in Santa Barbara and it blew my socks off. Okay, I wasn’t wearing socks, but you get it. His workflow and outsourcing philosophy is something I completely subscribe to and it’s radically changed my business. He’s amazing!

*The Boutwell’s and The Cooper’s : The Anti-Workshop
• Shoots raw, heavy emphasis on creativity and previsualization, 20-30 photogs, project assignments, demonstrative photoshoot, 3 days. I went to the Anti-Workshop in Seattle earlier this year and it was amazing. AMAZING. I couldn’t have imagined a workshop to be so different, yet so much more than what I imagined. It challenged me in ways unfathomable and pushed me to become a better photographer…and artist.

One thing I want to clarify is that while I learned a great deal from the host(s), I actually learned more from the attendees! It always happens this way. The biggest perk of workshops is that you get to meet other industry peers on a personal level and glean from their successes, mistakes, and knowledge. I actually met the fabulous and Photo Pimp Daddy Extraordinaire Jesh DeRox at the Anti-Workshop and he blew me away. Not only is he insanely talented and an industry forereunner, he’s humble and has a beautiful spirit. If he’s not above attending a workshop, then I’m hard pressed to find someone who is.

On a sidenote, I’m already thinking about what seminars I want to attend next year and the two on top of my list are:
*Kevin Kubota : Digital Bootcamp
*Image is Found : Shootshops

…Whew…I’m pooped out! I hope someone found this information helpful…if not, well, forgive me. I’ve just been blessed by workshops and I encourage others to get involved and get out into the community.

Happy Wednesday!

P.S. The lovely Holly McCaig from Pink Ink Studios blogged a recent Photography Q&A session with me, so feel free to check it out by clicking here