That evening in Denver, I sat in the bus and wondered if I'd hurt her feelings. She stood at the mic in front of 150 of photographers and trembled as she asked her question. But that was just it: Julie didn't have a question…so I didn't have an answer. Julie said she was scared and so filled with anxiety she wasn't sure she could confidently photograph a wedding. And there in an downtown art gallery, I blurted what came to my mind: Get over it.
That's it.
Julie made time in her schedule, paid for admission for theFIX, courageously approached the mic and I told her three small words I worried would break her. That evening in Denver, I sat in the bus and wondered if I'd hurt her feelings. A few months later, I'm proud to share Julie's progress (as she posted on my Facebook page.)

For those of you like Julie…like me…like anyone who struggles with the anxiety of feeling like you're enough…Get over it. We work hard for our dreams and often the person who stands in the way of making them a reality is no one by yourself.
Stay Fabulous,