I didn't know how to write this post. I don't know how to write this post. Most of time I write a story about the person I'm photographing from an outsider's perspective, but Grace didn't let me. Every time I asked her questions to help me later write a blog post, she deflected. It's your blog, she said. Grace explained she didn't feel like she had anything to say. That her life has been brief and the story simple. I try explaining she can speak volumes, that her words are powerful because of their simplicity. Grace shakes her bald head, raises her 15-year-old palm, and disagrees. Very teenageresque.
I've known Grace, well, forever. She's best friends with my little sister, Zoe. Seven months ago, we received news doctors discovered tumors in Grace's body. A lot of tumors. She's been scheduled for 19 rounds of aggressive chemotherapy and radiation…and then doctors will reassess the situation. A situation that leaves everyone begging God for answers.
But Monday wasn't about answers. It was about Grace's photoshoot. An opportunity to showcase her beauty, joy, and unbreakable spirit. It's my hope Grace sees a different version of herself in these images…a girl with a story to tell and a chance to appreciate life's beautiful moments.

Grace loves all things fashion, so she brought along her favorite books and magazines…

Grace, you're beautiful. So incredibly beautiful.

My sister, Zoe, came along to the shoot to offer Grace support and coaching…

…I couldn't tell if they were laughing with me…or at me…

The light during the shoot was simply spectacular…

After a quick outfit change, Grace was in the mood for photos…and a little music…

Grace tried to turn her camera on me….uhh, no thank you! 😉

My favorite shot of the day. Because Graces reminds me to live each day. Out loud. And to appreciate my health…and say I love you all the time…and to laugh at every chance possible….

Happy Thursday!