Last Saturday I celebrated my birthday and the day couldn't have been better. The entire week was devoted to what JD called BIRRRRTHDAAAAAY EXTRAVAGAAAANZA! And he says it just like that. It's rather odd, but I deal with it because it's filled with twists and surprises leading up to my big day. On Saturday, we arrived at Disneyland just before sunset and I squealed like a little girl. It's been years since I've been to the Magic Kingdom, but it was just as special as I remembered as a kid.
We spent the evening eating every bad thing in sight (churros! pineapple ice cream! funnel cake! I'm on a sugar high!) and mapped my favorite rides before the fireworks show. On top of my list was seeing Captain EO. Oh, yes, the 3D short film starring Michael Jackson. I dragged JD into the theater donning our yellow glasses and sang the songs before it started. JD tried shushing me, but this only encouraged moon walking to my seat.
It was then I confessed to JD I saw Captain EO eight times when I was a child. In one day. I memorized the choreography and my mom even bought me the Captain EO shirt…which I wore only on the most special occasions. Watching the film years later rekindled the fondest memories…and I was happy to dance along in my seat like I was a kid again.
The only thing that would've made the day complete would have been JD joining me for a robot rendition of We Are Here to Change the World, hip thrusts and all.
This leads me to another installment of Kisses and Disses…
This week's DISSES go to…
*My inability to track down a Captain EO t-shirt (no, really, I'd wear it tomorrow if I could…it's cute…honest).
*My lack of will power. Birthday Extravaganza proved to disastrous my dietary regime.
*Falling asleep. It takes half an hour at night, half a second in the morning.
This week's KISSES go to…
*Breville Juicer. My family gave me a juicer for my birthday and I'm smitten. I feel healthier just looking at it. Tried it for the first time yesterday and the clean up process was pretty awesome and the juice (kale, spinach, apple, beets, ginger, and ginger) was ahhhhmazing. Oh no, I'm starting to talk like JD.
*Milani Liquid Eye Pencil. This pencil eyeliner is from Target and perfect for a dramatic evening out. It's creamy, so I set it for a smoky eye and I adore it.
* I love this site and I've downloaded the app. It's like Pandora, but you can stream an entire record…and there's no commercials!
Happy Tuesday!