Marathon Inspiration

Words cannot express how proud I am of my twin sister. We were supposed to do it together. But. Yeah, but.

I was probably busy planning world peace, feeding starving children in other continents, and washing my hair, but I never got around to training properly.

Yesterday my sister ran the Long Beach Marathon and we were there to cheer her on. I’ve always wanted to run a marathon, but… But. Yeah, but. There are ALWAYS ‘buts’. Well, she trained diligently and, as she crossed the finish line, a part of me felt I ran it along with her. You know, the over-achieving, not-so-lazy part of me. The real part of my brain was annoyed with the heat and easily distracted by the shiny completion medals. Oooooh, jewelry!

In all seriousness, I’m incredibly proud of her and her accomplishments. She’s by far the nicer, sweeter, gentler, all-things-perfect twin, but I simultaneously love and envy her. She makes me want to be a better person and think of others always before myself. She’s amazing.

B, I’m SO inspired by you. God has blessed me with such an AMAZING twin sister and I can’t see what other mountains you’ll climb! I love you!

**My family will probably want to flog me for posting these pictures…we were hot and tired from standing at the finish line cheering for a couple hours…but I want to remember us as we were. Warm, hoarse voiced, and proud.