My Latest Obsession: Cute Animal Photos

This past week I was at a conference and while I was away, I desperately missed my dog. Yes, I'm one of those dog owners who thinks she shares a secret language with her canine friend, so I practically begged JD to send photos of Polo. My husband included himself in most of the pictures so I couldn't play favorites.

The look Polo gave me in the each photo conveyed his deepest wish for me to return and cuddle on the couch because JD doesn't do it right.

In case you don't think I'm weird enough, here are a few photos I keep in a file on my desktop…whenever I need a pep in my step, this fellas do the trick!

If I saw this creature running through my house, I might scream, but photo looks like it's singing. Which reminds me of the mice who helped Cinderella. Which reminds me of love. Which makes me love this creature.

And, boom, now I'm part of the LET'S POST PHOTOS OF CATS ON THE INTERNET phenomenon…but, really…this is beyond.

And just like that, I this puppy makes me want to go on a hike.

Okay so I don't know what this is, but I love it sooooo much…I just want to cuddle with all its cuteness!!! I might die.

Happy Thursday!