Two families in Virginia, each with a respectable flock of children, befriended each other many years ago, and when their systems collided, they didn't know they'd remain in each other's orbit, well, forever. One of the James' children was Katelyn, complete with fiery red hair and a magnetic smile, and she'd watch from a distance when Michael–the Alsop's son–came over to play with her brother Corey. Both families went on vacation together, went to church together, and shared meals together on long summer nights. When Michael entered high school, Katelyn spent two more years in junior high watching him from a distance. By the time she arrived in high school, their orbits went back to being in perfect alignment.
During Katelyn's freshman year, she'd see Michael and smile. Oh, Michael. She thought the only thing that would have made life perfect was if Michael Alsop asked her to prom, but he was a junior and well-liked and handsome. Focus, Katelyn, focus. But Michael noticed her, especially after a few of his friends wanted to ask her out. He couldn't synthesize his feelings for Katelyn James, the girl he went swimming with as a kid and joked with in junior high. The little girl with fiery red hair grew and a magnetic smile up to be a gorgeous girl with fiery red hair and a magnetic smile. But she was different. And he really liked different.
Michael and Katelyn went on their first date their freshman year of high school and have been together since. By each other's sides, keeping James and the Alsop families doing what they do best: laughing, loving, and planning a fantastic wedding in their Virginia hometown. I had the distinct honor of shooting their engagement session at Red Rock Canyon in Las Vegas last week. Katelyn is a photographer, so she was in Las Vegas with Michael for WPPI, so things worked perfectly for us. I'm so, so honored to document their wedding on 10.10.10!
What I should mention before this post proceeds is that Michael and Katelyn deserve SO much credit!! We spent the afternoon outrunning a vicious storm and it was freezing…even by Virginia standards! 😉
Katelyn, you make me smile…
It started to pour, so we hung out in their rental car for a while and chatted until the weather got to a sprinkle…here they are working it out in the wet weather…
So then a strange thing happened…it started to SNOW. The only thing was I didn't know it was snow because I'd never seen snow fall from the sky. Ever. We're shooting and we're all freezing when Michael says, Hey, Jasmine, it's snowing!! Just like that, matter-of-factly. And I'm all, RUN TO THE CAR!!!! What can I say, I'm dramatic. We got in the car and drove to Red Rock Canyon for some more pictures and thankfully the snow/rain held off for a bit more.
Work IT…
After a quick change in the car, we shot more engagement pictures in the desert and it was such a cool experience for me because I've never done it before. Leave it to another photographer to bring such a challenge! 😉
Katelyn and Michael, you're the best. I completely adore you and can't WAIT for your wedding this October…bring it on!! 🙂
To see more of their Red Rock Canyon engagement session, CLICK HERE for a slideshow!