She Reads My Blog

My blood ran cold and the hair on my arms stood upright, like they were in the Marines and it was bunk inspection. My sister-in-law said it casually and didn't blink an eye, even after my mouth dropped open. My mouth remained in that state and my eyes glazed over. Then I let out a shriek because I'm dramatic like that. My sister-in-law told me my mother-in-law reads my blog. And just in case you didn't comprehend that last part, SHE READS MY BLOG. Shut up.

I panicked because my mind started thinking of all the many things I write on my blog that I'm okay with the world to know, but definitely not JD's mother. Umm, like, the time when I recounted tagging her out on her birthday?! The many nights I say I sprained my finger and I can't cook dinner…the work-a-holic admissions on the web…how I should have the desire to be knitting baby booties right now, but don't. Yes, Internet, all THAT is out on my blog. Except for the knitting part….I don't knit.

So, in attempts to make it up to my mother-in-law, I'm posting the following pictures of her grandson. I may not cook, clean, or knit as well as the ideal wife for her only son, but LOOK AT THE HAPPY PICTURES!! Dearest mother-in-law, please overlook my shortcomings as a wife and focus on my assets as an auntie with a nice camera! 😉