His silhouette floated through the dark room. Through a haze of medicine, I felt JD unwrap me from my blanket, much like a burrito. I was too weak to complain, so I let him dress me in a sweater he pulled from our closet. It was my Harvard sweater. No, I didn't graduate from Harvard, but I bought the sweater because I thought it'd make me look smart. Whatever, it hasn't worked, so it remained buried until last night when my shivers wouldn't go away. JD quietly placed Choloresptic, Advil, and a glass of water by the bed and kissed my forehead. While he rubbed my feet, he told me I was clenching my teeth too loudly and woke him. I can't swallow, I moaned.
Early this morning, JD and I glided down the Five Freeway on our way to Urgent Care. He tapped the steering wheel to the beat of a song we were listening to and tried to sing along…but somehow he lost the words. Like usual. JD made fun of himself and then promised to take me to breakfast after the doctor's visit. Mmmm, can you taste it already? He laughed at his humor and went back to unsinging.
As we waited in the lobby, JD patted my head few times. I leaned on his shoulder and he'd sometimes turn his head and take a big whiff of my neck. He tells me he likes the way I smell. I'm too tired to protest, so I roll my eyes and smile. After my appointment, I'm given two antibiotics and a direct order to eat something with the medication. When we pulled in front of the Mexican restaurant, JD pumped his fist with delight. I, on the other hand, would've eaten a cardboard box so I just close my eyes and hope for something soft to eat.
Later this morning, JD and I glided down the Five Freeway on our way from Urgent Care. He tapped the steering wheel to the beat of a song we were listening to and tried to sing along…but somehow he lost the words. This time, however, I helped find the lyrics and we howled our way home. Because that's what soul mates do…they bring water late at night, and they help you find the words when they're lost.