Tam and Greg : Engagement

It was nine years into their friendship when Tam received an email that changed her life.

During their undergrad days at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, Tam pledged a fraternity and Greg was assigned as her Big Brother. He was kind, gentle, and humorous…everything a girl deserves. So Tam set him up with her best friend. Afterall, she wanted the two people she cared most for in life to find happiness. Though a relationship never flourished for her best friend, Tam and Greg stayed close friends, even when she moved to New York City.

Via letters and emails, Tam loved Greg in a way only a friend knows how: truthfully, honestly, and from a distance. When she returned to California, Tam and Greg reconnected and felt an undeniable spark. Not wanting to ruin the friendship, Tam teetered between friendship and loveship.

Then Tam received an email that changed her life.

TO: Tam
FROM: Greg

I just don’t want to look back 40 years from now and wonder what if…

And with that, Tam and Greg met for their first real date in Culver City. As life so beautifully works, it’s the same location they decided to have their engagement session photographed.

I’m SO excited for their wedding this September at the Skirball Center in Los Angeles! They have amazing things in store and some awesome vendors working hard to complete their wedding dreams!

I LOVE when clients bring along things to spice up their engagement sessions! It's so much fun and really shows off their personalities and love!
Greg was going to be a professional skateboarder in college, but later decided to become a computer genius (my title, not his!)

The Computer Genius and his lovely counterpart…

MAC-ing out…

To see more of their fun engagement session, CLICK HERE for a slideshow!