Expressing Gratitude for 2020

When Coronavirus first appeared on our radars, JD and I had tons of questions, insecurities, and fears running through our heads. *Can you relate?*

On top of being worried about the health of ourselves, our family, friends, team, and members of Social Curator, we wondered:

  • How do we keep our brand-new baby safe from the virus?
  • Will we be able to continue to pay our team with the decrease in revenue?
  • What actions can we take besides staying home and wearing a mask to keep our brothers and sisters safe?
  • How do we empower our Curators to keep their small businesses going during these times?

….and I know we weren’t alone.

In response, we:

  • Wore masks
  • Released 10 COVID-related bonus captions to Social Curator members to help them show up during this time.
  • Offered a free month of Social Curator to our members who were struggling.
  • Stayed home to keep ourselves safe, and hoped everyone would do the same.

But let’s be real: 2020 was hard for everyone.

We were overwhelmed with fear of the unknown, frustrated with uncontrollable circumstances, and not to mention anxious about the result of a tumultuous US election.

>>Through it all, the biggest lesson I learned from this experience is GRATITUDE… to be thankful for what we do have, instead of focusing on what we’re lacking.<<

Despite how difficult this year has been, I’m thankful for 2020 for this lesson on humble gratitude… and so many other lessons, too.

Years ago, an elderly man sat in a wheelchair across from me.  He pointed his finger in my face and asked me, “What if the only things you had tomorrow were the things you expressed thankfulness for today?”

When I heard this, I was speechless (and y'all know how I love to talk) so I immediately created a mental list of things to be thankful for.

  • I’m thankful for my family.
  • I’m thankful for my health.
  • I’m thankful that I have a roof over my head, food in my fridge, and running water.
  • I’m thankful that every day, I get to do what I love.
  • I’m thankful for members of Social Curator.

This list went on and on.

>>Every day, I wake up and I give thanks for the decadence of life, because 2020 taught me that abundance and success don’t look like what we see on social media. Oftentimes, it’s simply taking a moment to realize just how blessed we are.<<

Because a friend once told me that the secret to having it all is knowing you already do. 

Regardless of how you feel about your life or your business, there’s so much to be thankful for… 

For more mindset shifts like this one, download my FREE Mindset Makeover Workbook. It includes 5 crucial mindset shifts you need to make to succeed in business, a powerful exercise that changed everything for me, and a corresponding video to watch whenever you’re feeling lost. Download the Mindset Makeover Workbook >>HERE!<<