“The fear of facing your fears is harder than overcoming the fear itself.”
Recently I was chatting on Facebook Live with two women who opened up to me about their fears of relaunching their business after having failed once before.
They were worried what people would think or say if they came back to their business after months or years of inactivity, and how to show that they are serious about their work despite their absence.
Reading their comments, I felt for them because all of us want to do something scary—whether it’s starting a new Instagram account, going live on Facebook, or relaunching your business.
It caused me to remember a conversation I recently had with my mentor James, where he pointed out that when we are worried about what others think we are focused on the idea, rather than the actual action.
Our brains are hard-wired to focus on:
- The problem
- The outcome
>>If you are worried about relaunching your business, you are thinking more about the problem than the outcome you desire.<<

When you focus on the OUTCOME, the fear of what other people say or think diminishes. You will know who you want to be, what you want to accomplish, and how you want to feel.
This clarity allows you to step into your purpose regardless of negativity, and pursue your goals despite the fear.
You are not alone. I go through these fears every single day.
But if you know where you want to go and how you want to impact the world, other people’s opinions do not matter.
>>I know my purpose is to empower people to believe in the impossible.<<
Because I know that is my end result, I am willing to move past the fear to make that happen.
If you are afraid to restart and afraid to fail, focus on the outcome and that, boo boo, will lead you to the next step.