He asked me, “what’s your number?” Which is code for, WHEN IS ENOUGH, ENOUGH?
It came off the back of a conversation about growth, goals, financial security expectations. And, like, is there a point when you look at your business, and think–yeah–this is it, I’m ready to take my foot off the pedal?
His message stared at me…

This was my response:
I'd be lying if I did. I just move the goal line. All day err day.
Yesterday I asked myself in yoga, WHAT IS THIS ALL FOR??
Then I namaste'd myself back into reality and made an oath just to play the game, and quit when I'm not happy.
That's it. That's my promise.
I need to enjoy the journey. And fight. It's just that simple. I live simply. Heck, my husband and I share a car. We buy things in cash. I proof my own contracts (did I mention I'm a law school drop out?).
As a daughter of an immigrant, I'm tempted to hide cash under my mattress. I have a weird relationship with money and achievement.
Anyway, I don't have a number, but I think I have a timeframe. I'm willing to fight like hell for 10 more years. Then, wherever I end up, I'll be happy.
At that time, I wanna take care of my team, get a cush consulting gig and just travel with my daughter and husband.
If that's my truth (and it is), I better hustle like a mother. Literally.
I’m sharing my response with you because, well, it’s time I shared my truth, and called my shot.
It’s not about the money, it’s about the process of loving the game, more than it is about the final score.
As a girl from the ghetto, I couldn’t imagine living the life I’m living. No, really, I couldn’t imagine my home, vacations, organic groceries, investing, not shopping at thrift stores, not getting church donations to survive…
I couldn’t think THIS big.
Getting here–to this moment with my laptop and a cup of coffee–has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Ahem, IS the hardest thing I’m doing.
And I got a little more fight in me…but not without taking time to enjoy the journey.
To destinations greater than we can imagine,