If you hang out with me on Instagram, you probably know about my Tuesday and Thursday live chats, Coffee and Conversations.
Ya’ll, these chats are my favorite part of the week. I love answering your live questions about business, life, and everything in between!
Recently, I had the chance to chat with an entrepreneur who built a $250k business with just social marketing, but isn't sure if he should pivot or diversify with other passions.
Over the years, I have been asked this question by many multi-passionate entrepreneurs and my answer is always the same: What type of work lights you up?
Someone once told me that if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.
I don’t completely agree with that (although I love the message) because truthfully as business owners, not every day is a “good” day.
My takeaway from that sentiment is what when your nose is to the grind and you’re having a bad week, you should still feel that you are living in your purpose.
>>Friend, double down on what comes naturally to you, and work on finding out how can you do more of THAT.<<

Of course, the additional passion(s) you have do not have to be a “no” for you. It might just be a “not right now” and you can come back to it later.
When it comes to social media, however: 80% of your content should be about your main business so you become an authority in your niche.
In order for you to stick out in a saturated market, you have to become an authority based on personality, purpose, and promise of profitability.
During our Instagram live, the entrepreneur I chatted with said something very profound that I’d like to leave you with.
Are you pursuing:
- Paycheck or purpose?
- Cash or calling?
- Money or meaning?
Reflect on this, and go with your heart. My wish is for you to stand in your passion, and find paths to profitability from there.
To your purpose-filled success,