Social Media Posting Strategy + Organizing Your Posts


Are you in? Wanna see how I repurpose my social media content across ALL my platforms? This peek into my personal plan ensures I don't spend hours wasting time on Instagram/Facebook/YouTube etc. and, instead, maximizes my marketing efforts.

I'll be showing you my social marketing calendar, organization apps, and my content strategy.

I set time aside to answer YOUR questions, so this video walks you through my exact social media process…and there's a timeline below in case you want to skip ahead to specific parts of the video!  😉

0:00 – Welcome
0:32 – I needed creative freedom
1:11 – Creative shoutout to Gary Vaynerchuk
4:31 – Creating content with strategy
5:30 – Stagger my content
5:45 – Video/Photo/Etc
7:53 – How I share my video content
8:55 – How do you organize your videos? (Google Doc + Dropbox)
10:19 – Photo strategy
12:00 – How do you organize your photos? (Pixieset + Dropbox)
15:10 – Social media posting schedule
16:00 – How to plan a schedule for posting strategy
17:55 – Questions and Answers
18:13 – One thing I am currently struggling with and working on. Not being behind. Feeling like I am playing catch up all the time. Would love to hear a little on ways to better prepare posts, launches, etc.. How do you find balance with posting things from your categories and marketing posts during a launch??
21:20 – If a good post idea pops up in your head or presents itself in something ”happening now” do you post it then or wait until next month?
22:35 – I’m very new with IG. How do I get the right followers that will pay for my services?
24:55 – If your strength is not photography what are some tips to create a strong visuals for your page?
26:15 – Is it bad to post on Facebook multiple times a day?
27:07 – Should you be staggering your posts on different platforms with the same image?
27:39 – How did you work through getting unstuck creatively?
29:44 – Is it better to post shorter or longer captions on my Instagram?